Uli asked me to tell you about YouTube channel Samo Tries Cat Stuff, who hails from Sweden.
The Samo Tries Cat Stuff channel shares “everything cat-related.” The channel features fun do-it-yourself cat toys and tools, cat health care tips and hacks, product reviews, and some just-for-fun videos too. The channel’s star is Samo, a short-haired Maine Coon cat with genes from a Norweigan forest cat. Watch this channel for tips and tricks, including the joys of capturing your cat with a photo mid-yawn.
Mewla: Samo parent, welcome to our website! Tell, us, how did you come to meet and adopt Samo?

Samo Parent: I found Samo in an ad online. All his long-haired siblings had been chosen and taken a long time ago (because sadly people think these are much cuter and thus more popular in general). No one wanted the regular-looking short-haired kitten that he was, except me. Instead, I thought it was an advantage because poo often gets stuck in the fur of long-haired cats anyway, haha.
Mewla: I’ve heard that people have to spend a lot of time brushing long-haired cats and did not think about poo getting stuck in it too, lol. Samo is just beautiful. Does he have any funny habits?
Samo Parent: When Samo was young he was very feisty and attacked us and the walls daily. He also hated to see shoulders for some reason and would attack you if you showed your shoulders. He´s very special and hard to understand. He only sleeps with the same person every night. He´s not a nice calm cat that people can visit. He will hiss at visitors at best haha.
Mewla: Samo is very special and I can tell from your videos that he has a lot of personality. What other social platforms is Samo on?

Samo Parent: Samo has his own Instagram page where he’s a Sunday pastor, a homicidal doctor, and runs a diner. showing off the week’s meal or pastry. He also has his own tiki bar that people seem to really like. The page is set to private because of algorithm reasons that I´m not interested in being a part of anyway. But everyone is welcome to visit or stay if they want.
Mewla: Tell us about the tips and fun tools you people might find on your site.
Samo Parent: I want my videos to have some kind of value for the viewer, either information, inspiration, or entertainment.
People seem to prefer simple free things that you can find at home, such as toilet rolls where you can create your own food dispenser or put cat treats in empty egg cartons, etc., ideas like that. I don’t want to waste other people’s time by keeping them around for too long, so I try to make my videos short and quick to the point.
Mewla: Thank you so much for sharing about your innovative and creative videos! Where can our friends find your channels?
My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@samotriescatstuff/featured
My Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/shorthairmainecoon/
Please leave comments below, and watch a Sumo Tries Cat Stuff video here:
Loved reading this, and I love Samo! Always interesting and creative content on your channels 😻😻
Thank you for sharing about cutie-cat Samo, Stefanie : )
ha ha ha lol that was a awesome idea for the empty toilet paper roll and treats discovery excellent job Samo
you knew where the treats were you just wanted to see if mom remembered to lol a wonderful fun channel and wow what a handsome character Samo is loved the video and the game and the whole idea great pick Uli we can always count on you for the very best hugs blessings the cats and me x o much love x o
LOL. Samo is a smartie-cat : ) . Our best to you and the cats xo
Thanks Mewla and cat parent. I look forward to checking out this web channel.
I appreciate your comment!
He’s a cute!
I appreciate your comment!
Looks like a great channel! Thanks for the interesting article!
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