Today Uli features the Adventures with Maine Coons video channel, hailing from Sweden.
Maine Coon cats are said to have originated in Wiscasset, Maine in the United States. A myth claims that Maine Coons resulted from breeding a cat with a raccoon (and hence the “coon” in their name). Others speculate that Maine Coons are descendants of cats from the original Viking expeditions to America (1). Regardless of their origin, the Maine Coon cats adapted to Maine’s harsh winters, with thick furry coats and huge padded paws. Its paws are covered in fur and act like show shoes, allowing the breed to walk on top of the snow without sinking in (1).
When you watch the Adventures with Maine Coons Youtube channel, you will enjoy videos of beautiful scenery and the adventures of gorgeous cats like stars Buster and Luna. Some videos show the cats running, leaping, and exploring the Swedish forest. Some feature the cats’ tricks, such as the cats skateboarding, giving paw, and Buster jumping through a hoop like a circus cat. Recent videos show Buster teaching eager new kittens Thor, Idun, Freya, and Grim the feline ways of life. A second Youtube channel, Maine Coon kittens, features the youngsters’ birth and early days.
Mewla: Adventures with Maine Coons, welcome! Tell us, what originally endeared you to the Maine Coon breed of cats?
Adventures with Maine Coons: I’m actually not sure when or how I discovered the breed. But when I was looking for a new cat three years ago, I just knew I wanted a Maine Coon. There was something special about their majestic appearance, size, and fluffiness and they seemed so cool. I found Buster and got him when he was three months old.
Buster is just the most fantastic and amazing cat I have ever had or seen, and I love him so much. He is the best buddy to have in the house and he is so smart, friendly, and majestic. He made me completely hooked on the Maine Coon breed and he is the reason why I started thinking about becoming a breeder because I just couldn’t get enough of Maine Coons!

Mewla: How did you decide to begin to breed Maine Coon cats?
Adventures with Maine Coons: Since I started loving the Maine Coon breed so much, I wanted to do more than just own cats, and becoming a breeder was just perfect! I do sell the kittens but I don’t really make any profit from it because there are many costs associated with breeding too. We do many health tests and vet visits with the parents to make sure that they are healthy so that the kittens will have the highest chance of being healthy too. The kittens also do vet checks and get vaccinations for example.
The mother, Luna, is my own cat and I have had her since she was 3 months old. I found a suitable male Maine Coon cat that she visited and the result was the litter with Thor, Idun, Grim, and Freya. You can see a video of Freya meeting her father below.
That litter was born last summer and this spring there was another litter born here with the same parents. They have not moved yet and there are new videos uploaded with them every week!
Mewla: Buster is special: so furry and regal–he looks like a lion. Does he have any lion-like characteristics?
Adventures with Maine Coons: Yes, he really looks like a mini lion! He does act a bit like one too. Buster loves to relax and sleep. He usually relaxes on wall shelves or tables so that he can have a nice view of his domain, while also looking very majestic, with his fluffy fur. I imagine that’s what lions like too.
Freya’s dad looks like Buster, but he’s not Buster : )
Mewla: Buster and Luna always look right at home in the forest and even in the snow. What do you do when the cats encounter danger, such as a dog, while enjoying the forest?
Adventures with Maine Coons: I always keep my eyes open for dogs (there aren’t really any other dangerous animals in the forests here). I very rarely meet any. Buster is so used to walking with me that he always stays close. If a dog shows up, he just stands still and watches the dog from a distance. Then I go to him and make sure that nothing happens.
My cats also wear GPS trackers on them when they are in the forest. If something would happen and they run away I will still be able to find them again. They have never run away like that, but it feels much safer to have GPS trackers just in case.
Mewla: GPS trackers are a great idea. I also know someone who would simply place her cats on a tree branch if a dog came close so that they would be safe. Buster and Luna are very lucky to be able to enjoy nature in a way that is safe for them.
Can you tell us about a funny habit of your cats?
Adventures with Maine Coons: Buster is completely obsessed with boxes. Especially his favorite little plastic box. He barely fits in it, but he just loves to squeeze himself into it anyway!
No matter what he is doing or where he is, he will always try to sit in the box if I place it close to him. Just look at his video for example
Buster, the a self-admitted box addict.

Mewla: Buster is so cute when he sits down and flicks his fluffy tail around so that it fits in the box too, LOL. We also love the camera angle and kitty dialogue that goes along with your videos.
Some people in our cat community may want to create vids as well. Do you have a tip can you offer to others who would like to take videos of their cats?
Adventures with Maine Coons: Something I always think about is to film the cats close and on their level. The video gets much better if you sit down and film the cats low to the ground instead of standing up and facing the camera down. This makes the video feel much more alive and the viewer feels like they enter the cats’ world 🙂
Cats do fun things all the time. Give them a new toy to play with or a box to sit in and film them a lot. Then you will surely be able to make good and funny cat videos!
Mewla: Great advice! Thank you so much for sharing about your fun and creative videos!
For more videos, check out the Adventures with Maine Coons channels at:
Leave your comments or questions below.
I just LOVE watching your beautiful videos, all of your cats are just so perfect.
They are so lucky to have a wonderful owner, as you are.
Keep up the good work! They make me smile big time, and I just love all your videos.
Buster is truely a GEM! just beautiful. I have had all types of cats since childhood, as well as taking in to our home strays in our community in Az.
Will continue to watch all your videos! Sweden is so beautiful, would love to visit some day.
Take care of those fur babies, till the next video!
I recently discovered your Uncle Buster videos and want to thank you for all the time and love you put into making them. My husband and I, for reasons of advanced age and health can no longer have cats so Iwatch several videos each day and recommend them to all my cat-loving friends.
The first time I saw Maine Coon Cats was many years ago at a CFA/TICA cat show. We had two cats prior, though not specific breeds.
I was astonished by the size and regal beauty of the Maine Coon breed and their gentle natures. A year later we adopted an eleven months old black and silver retired champion.
Our girl, Isabella, was not only beautiful, but so sweet and loving.
She would let me cradle her on her back in my arms and I would sing “My Girl” to her. She would reach up one of her huge soft paws and lovingly stroke my chin. When I ended the song she would reach up and take my face in her gentle paws and groom me.
Isabella was 38 inches long and weighed 14 pounds.
Two years after she joined our family I adopted a 6 months old white with gold Turkish Van male that I named Bond, James Bond because he was such a a gentleman. Bond was a big boy, 36 inches long and 12 pounds. It was instant love for both of them.
The were always together sun bathing on the floor, napping in side-beside baskets atop the china cabinet, in their kitty-cozys atop a trunk or watching the birds from their 6-foot cat tree. In the evening they would sprawl across my lap while I watched t.v.
They were eager for me to groom them each morning and the neighborhood birds were grateful for the daily deposit of cat fur I put out in the yard for their nests after grooming each session.
There were three other cats after them but Isabella and Bond will always own a major part of my heart.
Thank you for sharing about your sweet cats, Donna!
I’m a subscriber and love watching Uncle Buster. Luna is so regal too and her kittens are so adorable. I’m fairly sure I have spent a few hours watching them, fascinated. I especially love the bids with the humorous comments. Thank you for this delightful channel and thank you for the article. I was checking up on where Uncle Buster lives 🙂
Glad you liked the article Anna! Thanks for the comment.
Thank you for a great article. The cats are very cute.
Yes they are! I hope you visit their channel DR : )
Thank you Mewla. I always learn so much from your articles! I enjoyed the article and videos.
Glad you liked it Lori!