Black cat Kwazi looking up thoughtfully, sitting on a bureau

8 Ways Introverts Are Similar To Cats

Dear human,


Ginger Grrrl here. Have you ever noticed personality differences between people who love cats and people who prefer dogs? One big difference is that dog lovers tend to be extroverts and cat people are more likely to be introverts.[1] 

Since National Introverts Week is celebrated during the third full week of March, I thought you and I could discuss why introverted people prefer cats.

Ginger cat laying on brown cover and relaxing
Even alpha cats like me need downtime.

Research studies have confirmed that dog people tend to be more extroverted than cat people.[1] Extroverts are people who talk a lot, are excitable, and need lots of attention.[2] They sound a lot like dogs, right? Add slobbering, and it would be difficult to tell them apart!


Introverted humans, on the other paw, are quiet, prefer alone time, and know how to entertain themselves.[2] It’s no wonder that introverted humans love us cats.

Ways That Introverts And Cats Are Alike

Below are eight ways that Introverted humans are similar to us cats.

Getting To Know You  

Cherished human, did you ever notice how dogs and extroverts greet everyone they see?[5] Sometimes, dogs and extroverted humans seem to instantly become best friends with just about anyone.


In contrast, cats and introverted people usually take more time to get to know and trust people. Others have to pass a few tests before they are invited into our “inner circle.” Even in wild or feral colonies, cats develop close relationships with only a few, select peers.[3] And like introverts, when we cats accept others, those others are rewarded in many ways. For instance, cats and introverts are completely loyal to those we’ve marked as friends.

Kwazi curled up
Kwazi will run from any loud person.

Why All The Racket?

Extroverts thrive in noisy, lively settings. In contrast, most cats and introverts find being with noisy people for too long exhausting. We have to pull away when extroverts still want to play with us. Because we pull away, extroverted humans often think cats and introverts are aloof and uncaring.[4] In reality, we just need time alone to recharge.

Alone Time

Cats and introverted people both need and respect personal space. We both need alone time to recharge and choose when to interact with others. Likewise, we don’t pressure others to be with us or talk to us unless they want to.[5]  Also, like cats, some introverts prefer to be truly alone [6] and others would rather be with a favorite person (or animal).

Deep Thoughts

Another reason cats and introverted people prefer spending time alone is that we both think deeply and need time to ponder and reflect. It’s not surprising that cats and introverted people both have rich inner worlds and imagination.[4] How else could we come up with the many profound thoughts we have?

Kitty Komfort

Cats and introverted people both enjoy leisure and comfort. Like introverts, we cats crave calm relaxation and quiet. Many of us both prefer daily rituals and a routine, too.[5]

Tabby cat Uli lounging on bed with red sheets with thoughtful expression.
Don't bother Uli when he's deep in thought.

Show Me What You’re Saying

Compared to extroverts, introverted humans are good at perceiving non-verbal communication and often prefer non-verbal ways of communicating. [4] For example, most introverted humans would rather write than speak in front of a crowd.


Similarly, we cats prefer to communicate non-verbally. In our case, we do so in subtle ways using body language, such as by a flick of our tails.

I Hear You

Lastly, cats and introverted people are both good listeners. We may not say a lot, but we are always there to lend an ear. Our willingness to listen is one reason why we can form such close, loving bonds with each other.[4]

Can Extroverts Be Good Cat Parents?

Of course, gentle human, this does not mean that all extroverts are terrible cat parents. My CatDad is an extrovert and he’s loving and empathic. Sometimes it just takes a little more effort to get him to notice that I’m telling him something. When I nip his ankles, he understands that I need his attention.


Some cats-especially those raised with dogs or in noisy, busy environments-adapt to and enjoy being with extroverted humans. For advice about finding the right cat for your personality and living environment, go to Find the Right Cat for You!


That said, extroverts who wish to be friends with cats will do well to tone down the noise, respect our boundaries, and not take our desire for alone time personally. And both extroverted and introverted people should remember what Cat Behaviorist Luke Hollenbeck with the Animal Behavior Wellness Center in Virginia says [3]: Cats are always trying to communicate with humans, and humans have to be really good at understanding that.

-peace out



What do you think about cats and introverts and/or extroverts?

Share your comments below.

Written by Ginger Grrrl with a little help from Mewla Young, 21,mar2025.


  1. Granneman, J. (10oct2019). Cat Lover? You’re More Likely to Be an Introvert.

  2. Quora (10may2017). Retrieved 10mar2025 from

  3. Grablick, C. (12mar2024). Cats Aren’t Jerks. They’re Just Misunderstood. Retrieved 10mar2025 from

  4. CJPI (no date). The Strengths and Weaknesses of Being an Introvert. Retrieved 10mar2025 from

  5. Vanden Breul, C. (28aug2024). Ways Introverts and Cats Are Exactly the Same. Retrieved 10mar2025 from

  6. Thomas, V. (3march2025). All Introverts Are Not Happy Hermits.

4 thoughts on “8 Ways Introverts Are Similar To Cats”

  1. I’d say I”m have way between introvert and extrovert. I still need “alone time.” Thanks for the article!

  2. Thank you for this article Ginger. I am an introvert and relate to these items. I’m also an HSP (highly sensitive person). We HSPs are very receptive and can tune into cats’ needs.

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