Uli invited the Stimpy1ful YT Channel, hailing from Oregon, to be a featured channel.
At Stimpy1ful, creator Trish joyfully celebrates cats and their human servants. The channel’s role promoting other video creators has led us to deem Trish as the ‘Cat Queen’ of Youtube. Check out the Stimpy1ful channel to watch dueling banjo cats or to see cats celebrate interesting national holidays (National CheeseCake Day?). Today, we talked to Trish about her cats and videos.
MY: Welcome Trish! We are delighted to have you on our site! Please, tell us about your wonderful YT cat channel.
S: My youtube channel has been dedicated to my cats and cat themes, tributes, holidays, birthdays and honoring others. It was started for my cats but through the years the videos went to more ideas.
MY: We know that you are a huge cat lover. When did you first fall in love with cats, and what was it that made you fall in love with them?
S: I started loving cats from birth. My mother loved cats. We had many cats all through my life at home and when i was on my own having my own home i always had cats. They were always and forever in my whole lifetime.
MY: Who are the cats in your life today?
S: The cats in my life right now are Stimpy, the tuxedo, Ren, the black bombay, and Hunter, the mostly white with black cat. They had an older brother, a ginger named Rocky Balboa, R.I.P. He passed in 2013 but will always remain in my heart and be a part of my life.

Rocky Balboa
MY: Awww, I can feel the love. Such a wonderful fur family, Trish. Tell about a funny habit or special skill of your cats.
S: Stimpy is a momma’s boy and he has to be close to me. When we lived at the beach he used to love to climb the tree in our backyard and sit inside a bird feeder that I had put in the tree. He would sit there for hours and pretend he couldn’t get down and, when I wasn’t looking, he would come down just fine. Ren is a sweetheart and shy Hunter takes his name because he loves to hunt for mice, bugs and, yes, birds. My Rocky Balboa always thought he was My Caregiver. He watched over me constantly and never let me out of his sight. He was a darling little character and very funny.
MY: That’s sweet. No wonder Rocky Balboa means so much to you. He sounds very special. And Stimpy was so funny, trying to make you believe he couldn’t get down from the bird feeder, lol. So, now another question about the videos. Do you have a tip can you offer to others who would like to take videos of their cats?
S: The tip i have is to hide the camera. Once a cat sees a camera they tend to stop and look the other way or stop what they are doing. Well, honestly that is what happened to me every time I tried to film my boys. Enjoy anything you can catch on film. Cats are characters of fun and silliness. Bribe them with treats, lol ha ha.

Ren & Stimpy
MY: LOL, right? Cat action happens so quickly. Cats decide to leap and race around, then a minute later they are done for the day, lol. We know your site is special. Tell us something that makes your channel unique.
S: The thing that makes my cat channel different from others is I do a lot of different types of cat themes to music to bring smiles, laughter, awareness, and fun but only in my own way. I don’t have a real camera so I can’t always film my own cats like others do. Now my cats are older and sleep more than doing fun things like other people’s cats who play and do silly things or they dress them up or they are catnip wild. My boys just want to sleep, but i love them dearly
MY: Your boys are adorable, even when they are asleep. And your music, themes and tributes are always so much fun – Thanks so much for sharing with us, Trish!
We hope by now that anyone who has not yet seen your channel will want to see it. Please leave comments and questions below. And, to visit Stimpy1ful cats, just click the yellow button below!
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Please let us join our hands 🙏🏼 for Trish .
I am most concerned for her welfare as we haven’t heard from her in a while.
Together our prayers will never go unheard .
Blessings to everyone
Love to all of you,
Chrissy and Hanni
I have been subscribed to Stimpy1ful for years and her content is kitty centric, quirky and very entertaining. I also love her tributes to humans. Her three boys are delightful with Stimpy being very protective of his mom. Ren is the quiet one and Hunter is the adventurer. Trish puts a lot of devotion into her videos and she deserves a special star for being one of the most prolific and consistent YT producers over the years. Thank you Trish.
Ahh thanks so much Celinne the boys and i truly love and appreciate You
you have always been here for us so you deserve a star for your kindness
and loving animals and friendship big purrrrrs meows thanks from the cats
and me x o hugs
I enjoyed reading your interview. I love your channel because it’s fun and informative. You always keep everyone updated on everything happening around the world. Keep on sharing your joy of cats with us!!
hi Jennifer and girls thanks so very much yours is the best to this is such a great idea for a website we love it ‘ and sharing our Fur Children is great to hugs blessings much love your friends the cats and me x o
Thank you and we agree Jenn! 💛💜🧡😼😸🐈
Congratulations on being a Featured YT Cat Channel!
thanks so much from our hearts to yours it means a lot hugs blessings much love x o
You have always been the best our friend! 💛💜🧡😼😸🐈
well hello there we love this so much and Appreciate You for featuring us
it means a lot and so does your wonderful friendship we love your fun and
cuddling bromancers Kwazi and Uli and that Fabulous red head Ginger girl
they are amazing so are you x o 😻😻😻💙❤
ahh thank you for including us on this marvelous website you have created
we are honored to be a part of this fun enjoyment of cat channels thanks x o
the cats and me x o we love you all !
Everyone should know about your amazing channel, Stimpy1ful!