Street Cat Safari: Featured Cat Video channel 🎬

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Meet Youtube channel Street Cat Safari, hailing from Croatia.

The Street Cat Safari YT channel posts videos of their visits to nearby stray cat colonies. When they visit a colony, Nyx & Potato’s parents provide the cats with delicious meaty feasts. Very few animal shelters exist in Croatia, and the two caring souls hope to someday open a shelter for stray cats.


Videos taken back at home feature their indoor cats. Nyx is the small, almost-black tortoiseshell kitty. Potato is a furry gray Maine Coon mix who likes to play, spar, cuddle, and nap with his little sibling.

Mewla: Welcome, Nyx & Potato parent! Tell us, how did you come to feed the colony of cats?

Potato on
Potato's former owners gave him up.

Nyx&Potato Parent: We actually feed a few colonies, it’s just only one has made it into the videos thus far. The longest has been a couple of years now. We usually just stumble across them and start feeding. We quite often find ourselves making an unscheduled trip to a nearby shop to buy some food if we see a hungry-looking kitty while out and about.


Mewla: Awww. The kitties must think they’ve hit the jackpot when you show up! Do other people in your area tend to feed feral and stray cats? 

Nyx&Potato Parent: It’s not as common for people to spay and neuter cats here in Croatia, so there’s a large stray cat population.  A few times we’ve met other people feeding strays, it’s always been older ladies there alone. There is some kind of cat-feeding location in the city, but we rarely see any cats there.


Mewla: Where do you think the cat colonies you feed stay at night? 


Nyx&Potato Parent: One colony lives in a large abandoned factory-type building in the city.  The colony that’s been featured in our videos lives on the edge of town. There are a few houses around plus lots of structures including tunnels and bunkers from World War 2, so I don’t think shelter is an issue.  

Mewla: How did you come to meet and adopt Nyx and Potato? 

Nyx and Potato on
Nyx is named after the Greek Goddess of the night,

Nyx&Potato Parent: Nyx was found abandoned on the street as a very young kitten. Potato we adopted after his former owners could no longer keep him. Their dog would chase him around all the time and it just wasn’t fair on him. We were lucky enough to see the listing first I guess. 


Mewla: How did Nyx and Potato get their names? 


Nyx&Potato Parent: Nyx is named after the Greek Goddess of the night, because of her dark color. Potato, well, Potato just looked like a potato to us 🙂

Mewla: Perhaps Potato’s big furry body had something to do with it, lol. They are adorable cats and have great names that suit each one. So, when and how did you first come to love cats?


Nyx&Potato Parent: We both grew up with cats, my first cat was a kitten that followed me home after school when I was about 7. My parents traced the owner. It turned out they’d inherited the kitten and asked if we wanted to keep it.  My wife grew up in a house in the country and there were always many cats.


We hope in the future our channel might enable us to provide medical care for stray cats. Ultimately we’d like to open a shelter so they all have a home, and give as many as possible the chance to get adopted into loving homes. We like to think our videos prove even some adult stray cats could make good pets.


Mewla: Such exciting plans! We wish you the best of luck. Thank you for sharing about your cats and exciting plans for the future.  


Where can our cat community friends find your channels?

Nyx&Potato Parent: You can visit the Street Cat Safari channel on Youtube.


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11 thoughts on “Street Cat Safari: Featured Cat Video channel 🎬”

  1. ahh how very special of you to feed these precious gifts from God they are such innocent souls
    who are just hungry and starved for attention even though they take defense in claws to bring
    blood they love you for caring for them all wonderful work i hope you get that shelter you want
    to open your special and will be rewarded from God for your care God Bless them all and you to
    hugs blessings the cats and me x o

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