Enjoy these cat celebrations in February!
The entire month of February is designated as Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, which was created by the Humane Society of the United States [1]. In fact, the Feline Fix by Five campaign (by the United Spay Alliance organization) has designated February Fix by Five month. The organization is working to raise awareness among veterinarians and pet parents alike on the benefits of early-age sterilization, and advocate for kittens to be spayed or neutered before they are five months old.Learn more and help save cats and kittens at felinefixbyfive.org.
Other holidays in February working to put an end to euthanizing cats include National Prevent a Litter Month, National Prevent a Litter Month, and Responsible Pet Owners Month [read more at 2].
Each year 6 – 8 million cats and dogs enter the U.S. shelter system–and people estimate that every day thousands of dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters [3]. We are working to decrease that percentage every day. Find out how you can help work to decrease this number at [2].

Other cat holidays in February:
Feb. 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day
There’s no better day than Valentine’s Day to remind us of the importance of safeguarding the pets we hold so dearly. [4]
Feb. 14: Cuddling Cat Day
We created this holiday dedicated to all snuggling and hugging cats. Check out our cuddling cat friends and the winner of the Cuddling Cat contest at Winner of YouTube Cuddling Cat Contest
The 3rd Full Week in February: National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week.
White or red? It doesn’t matter – just grab a cat and sip your favorite vino. Created by PetWinery (a company that makes alcohol-free cat “wines.”)[4]
Thank you for joining us to support and celebrate cats this month!
Have a suggestion? Send us a message via our Contact Us page.
Floyd County Humane Society. Celebrate Spay/Neuter Awareness Month by Bringing in Some Animals! Downloaded from https://www.floydhumanesociety.org/blog/celebrate-spayneuter-awareness-month-by-bringing-in-some-animals
The National Humane Education Society. Downloaded January 20, 2024 from https://www.nhes.org/prevent-a-litter-save-a-life/
10 Amazing Facts for Prevent-A-Litter Month. Downloaded from https://mewlayoung.com/spay-neuter-awareness-month/
Cat Tipper. February Cat Holidays. Downloaded January 28, 2023 from https://www.cattipper.com/cat-holidays-special-observances#February_2024