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What Cat Holidays are in June?

Hope you and your furball(s) enjoy these cat celebrations happening during the month of June.

June is Adopt-A-Cat Month


In Spring, thousands of newborn kittens join the millions of cats already in shelters across the country. Poor government funding and lack of supplies make it almost impossible for animal shelters to keep up with the number of cats in need. To help, American Humane asks all animal lovers to adopt a pet from a shelter and/or contribute to its Feed-the-Hungry campaign.


The American Humane organization shares excellent tips for Adopt-A-Cat Month on its website,[1] including cat adoption checklists, help with cat behavior, and even humorous videos.

June 4: Hug Your Cat Day!


Cattipper.com[2] describes Hug Your Cat Day as an opportunity to fortify our friendship with our feline fur baby. Sounds good to us! 


The first full week in June is Pet Appreciation Week.


Pet Appreciation Week begins on the first Sunday of June, The American Veterinary Medical Association celebrates throughout the week by offering tips to help pet owners improve the quality of life for their pets. 


Take extra time this week to make your pet(s) feel loved, cared for, and appreciated. Read more at AVMA News.[3]


June 8: Best Friends Day.


Best friends aren’t limited to people. Celebrate your bestie beast today! More at Best Friend Day.[4]


June 24: Cat World Domination Day.


Since 2012, Cat World Domination Day has become an annual reminder to humans that our days deluding ourselves that we run the show are limited. According to expert sources, such as The Arlington Vet Clinic,[5] signs include awkward glances, “evil genius plans” forming on cats’ brows, and the suspicious disappearances of much-needed supplies. Still not convinced? Has your cat darted under your feet lately, almost tripping you? Need more signs that your cats have Big Plans? Read  https://burnspet.co.uk[6]




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