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What Cat Holidays are in July?

Here are some important ways to honor and celebrate our feline friends in the month of July!



July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month  

Show your cat how much you love her by taking steps to prevent her from becoming lost. For great ideas about preventing loss of your cat, including ID’ing your pet, check out [1]



July 1 is ID Your Pet Day

Additionally, according to PetTipper.com, July 1 is ID Your Pet Day:[2] Should your pet get lost, a pet ID is the best way to ensure you get him back.



July 16 is Feline Leukemia Day

Take some time to learn about the disease at [3] https://www.webmd.com/


Even better, take a workshop from the Community Cats Podcast. Go to Community Cats Podcast [4] and search “leukemia” for updated trainings.



July 22 is AAHA-Accredited Hospital Day or AAHA Day.

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredits hospitals that meet their standards for safety protocols, equipment, and veterinary knowledge, among other areas. July 22 celebrates facilities accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association.


Learn more at [5] https://www.aaha.org


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