Uli invited our Dutch creator friends from the Alvi Cat Channel to be a Featured Cat Video Channel!
Pictured above: Cody and Laura
The Alvi Cat Channel, hailing from the Netherlands, follows the exploits of Cody, a ginger cat, and provides education about cats. Watch their videos to learn six ways to improve your relationship with your cat, or seven different meanings of a meow. The name of the channel is a tribute to another adorable ginger cat, Alvi, who sadly passed away in 2021.
MY: Welcome to Cody’s Food Source from the Alvi Cat Channel. We are delighted and excited to feature you on our site! Please, tell us about your creative YT Cat Channel:
ACC: Thank you very much! Of course, ‘Food Provider’ is a nickname I use for the channel. Although many people know my real name anyway, I still like the idea of protecting my privacy. Internet fame is the last thing I’m interested in.
My daughter Laura and I started the channel back in August 2017. We had already adopted our cat Alvi a few years earlier. Because he was so sweet and funny I filmed him far more frequently than I ever thought I would do. In the end there was so much footage… Starting a YouTube channel seemed the only sensible thing to do.
MY: When did you first fall in love with cats, and what was it that made you fall in love with them?
ACC: I’ve always loved cats. As a child, whenever I saw a cat, I always had to pet it. I remember I loved their soft fur specifically. When I grew older I gradually became aware of the countless other reasons to love them. To me cats are the perfect animals. Imagine there would be no cats… How boring would that be!
MY: Agree! Now, people who have followed your site know that it is named for sweet Alvi. Who are the cats in your life today?
FF: Alvi, who passed away last year, was really something special, but l also happily remember his predecessors Gulliver, Gerard, Chung and Barbarella as dear companions in my life.
Nowadays we have ginger Cody: a very sweet and playful buddy. He can be naughty too sometimes, but I don’t mind too much. I think it’s important to love a cat unconditionally and to simply accept a cat’s downsides.



Food Source Sr. and Food Source Jr.
MY: Your videos do a fantastic job highlighting Cody’s life. Tell us about one of his funny habits or special skill.
CC: One of the many things I love about Cody is his communication style. Unlike Alvi he doesn’t meow a lot, but likes to use body language instead. His tail is almost always moving and will start trembling whenever he gets excited. But Alvi had his little jumps, of course, which I had never seen a cat do before.
MY: Cody is like Ginger – her tail twitters when we are serving her dinner, lol! What is one thing your channel does that might make it different from other channels?
ACC: What makes our channel different from other channels is hard to say. I mainly focus on the editing, and I’m always looking for some kind of storyline, more or less like a cartoon in a newspaper. Still most credits should go to Cody: only by observing him I always automatically get an idea for another video. Cats are simply funny and entertaining by nature.
I see Alvi cat channel as a comedy channel in the first place, but with some serious educational elements too. By educating people a lot of needless suffering, both for cats and humans, can be prevented.
MY: Well stated, Cody’s Food Source. Thank you for sharing!
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Congratulations on being a Featured YT Cat Channel!
ahh we miss our Alvi may he R.I.P. and what a darling Cody has been he is such a doll
sweet kitty we loved Alvi and we love Cody to what a wonderful channel and friend
we think its magnificent that you are honored here to you deserve it much love the cats and me x o